17 January 2023

Submit your film at the 41 Bellaria Film Festival!

Calls for submit your film to the Bellaria Film Festival 41 are now open, both for the Casa Rossa and Gabbiano competitions.

For all those who have a film, or are in the process of completing it, calls are open for the two Bellaria Film Festival competitions, from 4 December 2022 to 5 March 2023. You can enter your film through the FilmFreeway platform.

The Gabbiano and Casa Rossa competitions are the two historical awards of the Bellaria Film Festival. A festival that has been dedicated to independent cinema, cinematographic innovation and courageous research for forty years.

The Casa Rossa competition is dedicated to first or second feature-length films that have a well-proven festival track record.

The Gabbiano competition is dedicated to works of any format, genre, length or medium with national or international premieres. Works that know how to experiment with cinematographic language and be bold.

The director or producer must be of Italian nationality.

The complete regulations can be found here.

The 41st edition of the Bellaria Film Festival will be held in Bellaria Igea Marina (Rimini) from 10 to 14 May 2023, under the artistic direction of Daniela Persico and with the organisational direction of Approdi.